Europa-Forum Wachau 1997

20.06.1997 - 22.06.1997

“The Enlargement of the Union – Fundamental Question for Europe”


  • Erwin Pröll (Governor of Lower Austria, St. Pölten)
    “Lower Austria´s Chances in a Larger Europe”
  • Anibal Cavaco Silva (Former Prime Minister, Lisbon)
    “The Enlargement of the European Union”
  • Wladyslaw Bartoszewski (Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Warsaw)
    “The Europe of the 21st Century – the Human Factor”

Working Groups

  1. New Members – New Structures
  2. Enlargement and the European Security Architecture
  3. The Common Europe and the Security of the Citizens
  4. An Enlarged International Market – Common Currency – Opportunities and Risks


  • Karl Lamers (Member of the German Bundestag)
    “The Union on the Threshold of Enlargement”
  • Arpad Göncz (President of the Republic of Hungary)
    “After 1989 – Onwards to the Reunification of Europe”
  • Wolfgang Schüssel (Vice Chancellor, Minister  for Foreign Affairs, Vienna)
    “European Perspectives”

Wolfgang Schüssel

Außenminister, Vizekanzler

Karl Lamers

Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages

Anibal Cavaco Silva

ehemaliger Premierminister

Dr. Erwin Pröll

Dr. Erwin Pröll

Landeshauptmann von Niederösterreich

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