

Since 1995, 30 prime ministers, 43 foreign and European ministers, 5 commissioners and over 12,000 guests have taken part in the Wachau European Forum, in addition to European Parliament presidents and state presidents. In addition to Giorgia Meloni, Rumen Radew and Edi Rama, Jean Claude Juncker, Ursula von der Leyen and Frans Timmermans have also been active participants in the Wachau European Forum.


Donausalon Europa-Forum Wachau 2023

Danube Salon Europe Forum Wachau 2023


As part of the Europa-Forum Wachau 2023, the Danube Salon will take place on Friday, June 23rd on the subject "A NEW COMPASS - WHICH DIRECTION WILL EUROPE'S SECURITY TAKE?" This year, the Danube Salon focuses on the topic of Europe's security and resilience. In March 2022, the foreign and defence ministers of the 27 member states [...]

Wirtschaftssalon Europa-Forum Wachau 2023

Business Salon Europe Forum Wachau 2023


As part of the Europa-Forum Wachau 2023, the Wirtschaftssalon will take place on Thursday 22 June together with "ecoplus" on the topic of "Invest in Technology". Start of the event: 18:30 in the Audimax of the University of Weieterbildung Krems / Campus Krems. Hydrogen - a building block on the way to the energy transition Energy obtained from hydrogen can be used in a variety of ways, is almost unlimited [...]


Giorgia Meloni

Giorgia Meloni

The President of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Italy

Rumen Radev

Rumen Radev

Präsident der Republik Bulgarien

to the previous events and speakers